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About us?


The AMPA of the Poeta Salvador Rueda School in Benalmádena is a non-profit association of parents or guardians of students who are currently studying at the school and who are interested in the development of the Association purposes.


These purposes are as follows:


a) Assist fathers, mothers and guardians in everything that concerns the education of their sons and daughters.

b) Collaborate in the educational activities of the Center.

c) Promote the participation of the parents of the students in the management of the Center.

d) Facilitate the representation and participation of families in the Center's School Council.

e) Collaborate in the complementary and extracurricular activities of the Center.

f) Promote the development of Family Education programs.

g) Organize cultural and sports activities.

h) Represent the associated parents before educational bodies and other organizations.

All of them affect to a greater or lesser extent the education and training of our sons and daughters, which is why we think that all fathers, mothers or guardians should be associated.


Who can be part of the AMPA?


All parents or guardians of students can become members. For that you only have to pay the family fee of € 10 per year.


How can you collaborate with the AMPA?


With the payment of the membership fee, a fundamental collaboration is offered so that the activities that are developed throughout the course can be carried out.

Your help is also very valuable, both in proposing the needs that are being created, as well as proposing cultural and educational activities, which in turn will be exhibited at the Center so that they can be carried out.

You can collaborate for such activities, in the vocals as well as members of the Board of Directors. In the Statutes of the AMPA the forms of participation in the Association are exposed.




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